Thursday, May 12, 2016

the omo river valley, the cross road of human migration

As i have named my small tribal exploring tours "omo valley tours"  most of my blog will be introducing about culture and nature of these beautiful people of the omo valley.

The Omo Valley is one of the most culturally rich tribal regions on the African continent. It is known as the ‘cradle of mankind’, existing as a pre-historic centre for the early hominid era….. .Hominid remains from the Omo Valley probably date back more than four million years.
The Omo River rises in the Showan highlandshaving its source at Mt. Amara,it is a perennial river with many tributaries feeding into it. It undulates through 470 kilometres on its way through a steep inaccessible valley before slowing its pace as it nears the lowlands and then meanders through flat, semi-desert bush, eventually running into Lake Turkana( the worlds largest desert lake)

 According to  paleontologists the omo valley has been a crossroads for humans migrating in many directions over many millennia., Omo pastoralists, cultivators, and hunters still pursue ancient lifestyles Tribes like Bodi (Me’en), Daasanach, Kara (or Karo), Kwegu (or Muguji), Mursi  and Nyangatom live along the Omo. Other tribes such as the Hamar, Chai, Suri, Turkana, Ari and Bannalive further from the river but have a network of inter-ethnic alliances.
the omo river